Nov 99: Community Update

(November: Main Page * Features * Reviews * Gallery ) Current Issue * Archive Hosts screening of "The Gilded Six Bits"

On Tuesday August 31, 1999, hosted a private screening and fundraiser for Booker T. Mattison's film, "The Gilded Six Bits." The film, based on a short story by Zora Neale Hurston, is a story of love and infidelity in rural Virginia during 1933. Moviegoers enjoyed the film and contributed generously to help Mattison with the finishing funds needed for the film. The night started with a very generous donation by one of the films actors, Wendell Pierce (also starred in Get On The Bus and Waiting to Exhale), who plays a crucial character, Otis T. Slemmons.

The event was held at the MGM Screening Room in New York City. After promoting the screening, three screening times had to be arranged to accommodate the many eager filmgoers that wanted to see the short. When asked why he decided to do this particular short story, Mattison responded that he read the story as an undergraduate at Norfolk State University. "I read the story and I thought this would make a great film." If you are interested in more information about the film or how you can help Booker T. Mattison complete this project, please e-mail us at or click on our archived August 99 edition.


(November: Main Page * Features * Reviews * Gallery ) Current Issue * Archive